Sunday 9 May 2010

Creative Commons and Kevin MacLeod

I already knew a bit about creative commons licenses from my experience with websites in the past, so I chose a license for my portfolio site and put it clearly on the front page. Related to this, I was trying to think of music sources for some accompanying music to my project showreel and remembered the talented and generous Kevin MacLeod of who writes small and long pieces that span almost all genres and moods, all free to use so long as he is credited.

I chose the tracks I used because piano seems appropriately timeless and sort of comical, but the clarinet is quite sombre. I was planing on using distressed music that sounded like a vinyl record being played or more upbeat music box type thing, but it all sounded a bit creepy or eerie when I tried it. I think the ones I chose fit quite nicely.

Edit: I emailed Kevin MacLeod to say thank you, and he replied really quickly with a nice message. Creative Commons is an excellent way for creative people to help each other out and share things without the fears of their work being misused. 

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