Monday 11 April 2011

Rationing Research

I have been looking for images to do with rationing, a great source has been BBC websites.

This particular section of the site is to educate children about shopping and home life in WWII, the 'fun facts' are quite useful.

"The only sweets not rationed in wartime were cough sweets. Sweet rationing lasted until 1953!"

"Even the moat at the Tower of London was dug up for vegetables."

"No icing on birthday cakes, after the government said no more icing sugar (1942)."

"There was lots of new meat-free recipes, such as turnip pie, or parsnip and carrot pie."

"The BBC 'Radio Allotment' grew 23 kinds of vegetables, with weekly radio reports on progress."

"Children helped 'Dig for Victory' by digging, planting and weeding. Some children worked on farms picking potatoes and fruit. "

Maybe I could make a level just about food.

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