Saturday 16 April 2011

Showreel: Rough Cut

Yesterday I made a rough cut of a showreel in order to spot any gaps so I can fill them now. I was quite amazed at how well some of it fit together, especially with the music I had chosen. Even with everything sort of shoved together it came to 1:30! Because of this I am inclined to plan another, possibly shorter, development showreel. This will take a lower priority at the moment while I iron out the kinks in the main one. I am aiming for more of a 'playthrough'/teaser-trailer kind of thing with it.

So far I have been using photoshop to make high resolution files, but used quicktime image capture and imovie editing for convienience. The image quality is very low as you may imagine, and I am not even going to export it in its current state as it is simply for experimentation purposes.

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