Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Life Size Cardboard House

Artist Luise Valdes made a replica of their own apartment out of unused cardboard, its called Casa de Karton or Cardboard House.

They whitewashed everything before re-drawing details on to give the effect of a drawing come to life.

I think the effect is brilliant, and a complete contrast in scale to my project. I am not aware of the scale when looking at these photos, I half imagine a huge hand coming in at the side to rearrange the furniture like a model. But I think this is in the photography mostly, there are give aways to the scale in the characteristics of the boxes and the tape fixing it together.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Paper Playtest Ideas

Ideas for the paper play test! Initial ideas are to print each of the level designs in full (I will make two or three possibly) and print each of the menu screens. These can be pinned on the wall or displayed on a table, and people can rearrange them as they see fit. That is the whole idea of course! Seeing what a user would prefer to play with, or understand better.

Another idea I just had is to make a iPhone frame, to slide up and down the printed levels. This way I can test whether the game would work better portrait or landscape. 

A further idea is to let people draw onto the level designs, to see what people would expect from a maze/path building gameplay. This way I can see what people would find fun, difficult, or easy, and try and make it more exciting. 
I will need to develop level ideas now, to have them printed for February. I was planning on doing the animation first, but this is one of the things I was referring to in my last post about rescheduling.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Update: Week 2

Its the second week of the new term and my schedule for the remainder of the academic year is to be re-assessed. This is to accommodate a few more things I have added, and to compensate for the storyboard I have not managed to do over Christmas. For the next couple of weeks I will be finishing my research report, but then I will start on some paper play testing for my game! I want to spend time working with players and seeing how they would use what I present to them. This will help with gameplay design, saving a lot of time that could be wasted programming things that might not work. I want to focus a lot of energy on this part, and try to understand the transition between design and production a lot better.