Thursday 14 January 2010

Shop front reference 2

I went to the college library and found several books on shop fronts and architecture. Here are some images from:

English Shop Fronts, David Dean, London, Alec Tiranti 1970

These are extremely relevant, and I struggled to find anything as detailed online. But in terms of direct reference and inspiration these shop fronts are far too elaborate for the humble, neglected and mysterious look I am aiming for.

London: the art of Georgian building, Dan Cruickshank and Peter Wyld, the architectural press ltd, London 1975

The majority of this book was useless to me, but these two images appeared near the end as examples of Georgian architecture in London in the 40s. These images show exactly the kind of street I want to create, and I wish I had some reference I could visit without travelling far.

I went back to the bear shop and drew several images of the front:

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