Sunday 24 January 2010

Update - 2nd week

I am realising how long planning an environment takes. I need to make my final images of the real world environment (with my character in) by the end of this week so that I can work on the six sweet land levels to get them all finished in time. These will take a lot of researching into British culture and nostalgia to achieve the 'embedded scenes' described in my game document. I have already started finding books relevant to this in the library and will make a post about this later.

For now, I need to draw my isometric view of the street and shop and its interior having finalised my layout for it. This I will colour in subdued atmospheric conditions, to represent the shop in its dying/empty stage at the start of the game. I will colour a second version of the shop in its lively sweet land stage at the end of the game.

I also need to add in the old man character. I have finalised my design for him in plasticine (pictures to follow soon, I will make a separate post) as I found it easier to build a model first and then draw from this. He will appear in one or more of the final shop images.

After this I will move onto the sweet land levels, by the end of this week at the latest.

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