Wednesday 10 February 2010

Update - 5th week

I have been making my documents for hand in over the past week, finished my orthographic views and most of my research into the shop and real world aesthetics. I have written most of it up again (when relevant) in my style guide document to accompany my document of final images. Next I need to finish my drawings of the old man in the shop, and some of the boy in the shop from the model photography I recently uploaded. I was planning to do a lot more of these but I am finding it hard, I am conscious of time and how much I have planned to do still for sweet land environment concepts. I originally wanted to do all 6 proposed level designs with embedded illustration (needing research of its own, some of which I have done already). Now I think 3 will be a more realistic target and will communicate what I am aiming for just as clearly.

I know now that, even with the extra week extension, any animation is unrealistic at this stage. But I have looked into time management on a larger scale, and including next year into this project I will be able to concentrate fully on animation and building a fully realised model in that time. That leaves me 6 or so images, and plenty of pages of style guide still to do this unit.

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