Thursday 25 March 2010


I have received some feedback from posting images from my game concept on my personal blog, and on here. I have found some of it very insightful and I think it would be in good practice to record it as part of this blog and as primary research with people who are unbiased towards me.
"I love the sheep, and the colours, and the floppiness of the boy. Also the wooden flooring of the floor plan is beautiful!" (images of the levels, character concept and isometric views)

"Falling through culture." (images of the levels)

This has been the most specific feedback I have received as most of it has been general, positive or negative. From my personal blog and from talking to people in real life (especially Sharon) I have been surprised to find just how many people can accurately connect with the themes in my images, without any detailed explanations alongside them (without my submission documents). More people than not have recognised the sheep in the field of the Rosy Apple level, and have more importantly expressed an interest towards the idea behind the embedded illustrations, and an interest to play the game.

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