Tuesday 16 November 2010


I have been neglecting development of my game content, in terms of level design and narrative - which in this game go hand in hand. The embedded illustration of the levels illustrates the narrative, memories which the old man describes as they appear.

I will be dedicating my time to this during and post Christmas period, but I will need to put some updates level designs in my Revised Game Guide document. To get the ball rolling again I asked a friend who works in the health care industry, specialising in home assistance for elderly people, if she could remember any tales anyone has shared with her. I was particularly looking for happy memories, as my game memories are all meant to be positive. Her response was incredibly insightful, a mix of happy and sad memories...

One was of a lady who had to leave her family farm in order to downsize her property after her husband passed away, fortunately her son now runs the farm but she now lives in a cottage nearby with few visitors.

One man loves to smoke his pipe and talk about sailing, now that he no longer has the health to sail. He believes the smaller boats are better, fancy cruise ships are just showing off.

Another man reminisces about his dancing days, he used to teach the Samba, Ballroom dancing and others, but now he can't. He fell in love with his wife when they were young and they still live together.

I was pleased to get some happy memories, if coupled with a sad one each time. I know a few things my own grandparents have said about when they were evacuated, or not evacuated, and what they enjoyed from their childhood. I will need to draw some new level designs before submitting my Revised Game Guide, and I will try to incorporate some of this research.

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