Tuesday 16 November 2010

Revised Game Guide Document

Lately I have been working a lot on my programming research and trying to establish a prototype menu system so that, over Christmas, I can work on my animation with a bit of peace of mind. That said however, I am also submitting a revised Game Guide document to communicate how the game structure and aesthetic has changed and progressed since my last Game Guide document was written (although useful, it is definitely out of date).

As the entire document reflects the aesthetic themes of the game, you should notice the title page reflects the level menu screen progression - the shelf of jars, from digital to paper. 

The other pages have also been changed to match the transition from digital to paper.

The entire game should also reflect this transition, through the start screens and animated sequence at the beginning of the game you are taken through the digital 'real world' into the white paper 'real world' in order to represent the starkness and depravity of sugar during WWII, when you are suddenly and contrastingly thrown into the 'sweet land' made entire of the opposite - pure colour and all digital. This is the kind of development with the game the new Game Guide should communicate.

Edit: I am also emitting any use of texture or stock image that I did not make myself, from all documents and game content. Examples of this include the wallpaper background and elements used in the end of year show reel, the shelves and picture frames.

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