Thursday 25 November 2010

Christmas Show - Inspiration

In regards to my personal development, particularly my plans to put on an exhibition next term, I have put some work in the NUCA Christmas Show. As the entry doesn't have to be Christmas themed I made a shallower, smaller version of the shop to submit. I thought about submitting a print of other parts of my project but the depth of the box frame seemed ideal for another shop, and it will be nice to see how it will work as an exhibit.

I hope this experience will be helpful, it has definitely been enjoyable getting back to using paper again.

EDIT: In doing this I was inspired to make an alternate menu system which takes place completely inside the shop. I had been thinking about this earlier while making the first menu system, and feeling it needed to be more coherent. After showing a few people and getting some positive feedback towards this I have set out making an alternate system today, as an idea of what could be done. It can also be seen here

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